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My Publications
Books and Monographs
Kuropka, D.; Tröger, P.; Staab, S.; Weske, M. (Eds.): Semantic Service Provisioning. Springer, Berlin, 2008. ISBN 3-5407-8616-3. (about the book) (order here) (read online)
- Kuropka, D.: Modelle zur Repräsentation natürlichsprachlicher Dokumente - Information-Filtering und -Retrieval mit relationalen Datenbanken. In series: Advances in Information Systems and Management Science, 10th issue. Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2004. ISBN 3-8325-0514-8. (order here)
- Kuropka, D.: Spezifikation und Implementierung einer verteilten persistenten Workflow-Engine auf der Basis von CORBA. Diploma Thesis at the University of Münster, Institute for Information Systems, Chair of Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen, 1998. (order here)
- Kuropka, D.; Weske, M.: Software Development Dynamics: Current Trends and Future Developments. In: Welfens, P.; Weske, M.: Digital Economic Dynamics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-36029-2, pp. 5-24.
- Becker, J.; Delfmann, P.; Knackstedt, R.; Kuropka, D.: Konfigurative Referenzmodellierung In: Becker, J.; Knackstedt, R.: Wissensmanagement mit Referenzmodellen - Konzepte für die Anwendungssystem- und Organisationsgestaltung. Heidelberg, 2002, pp. 25-144.
- Kuropka, D. and Weske, M.: Implementing a Semantic Service Provision Platform — Concepts and Experiences. Special Issue on Service Oriented Architectures and Web Services of Journal Wirtschaftsinformatik, Issue 1/2008, pp. 16 - 24. (preprint)
- Kuropka, D.; Weske, M.: Towards a service composition and enactment platform. In: Int. J. Business Process Integration and Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2007, pp. 102 - 108.
- Kuropka, D.; Weske, M.: Semantik in dienstbasierten Architekturen. In: ERP Management, 1/2006, pp. 31 - 35.
- Kuropka, D.; Weske, M.: Die Adaptive Services Grid Plattform: Motivation, Potential, Funktionsweise und Anwendungsszenarien. In: Emisa Forum, volume 26 issue 1, pp. 13-25, January 2006. ISSN 1610-3351. (ASG-Plattform.pdf)
- Weske, M.; Hündling, J.; Kuropka, D.; Schuschel, H.: Objektorientierter Entwurf eines flexiblen Workflow-Management-Systems In: Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung, issue 13/4, 1998.
- Kuropka, D.: Text und Grafik gleichzeitig In: C64'er, Issue 4/1990, Markt und Technik Verlag, pp. 74-75, 1990.
- Kuropka, D.: Interrupts in Basic In: C64'er, Issue 9/1989, Markt und Technik Verlag, pp. 60-61, 1989.
- Kuropka, D.; Klinke, S.: Gauging Cloud Potential in an Enterprise Landscape. In: Informatik 2013. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. September 2013. (Gauging_Cloud_Potential.pdf)
- Knackstedt, R.; Kuropka, D.; Müller, O.; Polyvyanyy, A.: An Ontology-based Service Discovery Approach for the Provisioning of Product-Service Bundles. In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008). Galway, June 2008.
- Kuropka, D.; Bog, A.; Weske, M.: Semantic Enterprise Services Platform: Motivation, Potential, Functionality and Application Scenarios. In: Proceedings of the thenth IEEE international EDOC Enterprise Computing Conference. Hong Kong, October 2006. pp. 253 - 261. ISBN 0-7695-2558-X, ISSN 1541-7719. (Semantic_Enterprise_Services_Platform.pdf)
- Kuropka, D.: Challenges in Specification of Services for Discovery and Composition. In: S. Reich, G. Güntner, T. Pellegrini, A. Wahler (ed.): Semantic Content Engineering - Proceedings der Semantics 2005. Schriftenreihe Informatik, Vol. 17, Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, 2006. ISBN 3-85487-979-2.
- Kuropka, D.: Formal proof of adequacy of document pre-processing in IF and IR. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Business Information Systems, Poznan, Poland, 2005. (TVSM-Lemma.pdf)
- Kuropka, D.: Uselessness of simple co-occurrence measures for IF&IR - a linguistic point of view. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Business Information Systems, Poznan, Poland, 2005. (Co-Occurrence.pdf)
- Becker, J.; Delfmann, P.; Dreiling, A.; Knackstedt, R.; Kuropka, D.: Configurative Process Modeling - Outlining an Approach to Increased Business Process Model Usability. In: Innovations Through Information Technology, 2004 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- Becker, J.; Kuropka, D.: Topic-based Vector Space Model. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Business Information Systems, Colorado Springs, June 2003, pp. 7-12. (TVSM.pdf)
- Becker, J.; Knackstedt, R.; Kuropka, D.: Subjektivitätsmanagement für die Referenzmodellierung: Vorgehensmodell und Werkzeugkonzept In: Proceedings of KnowTech Conference, 01.-03. November 2001, Dresden.
- Kuropka, D.; Serries, T.: PI-Agent: An agent-based Information Filtering System In: OOPSLA '01 Companion, ACM, New York, 2001.
- Kuropka, D.; Serries, T.: Personal Information Agent In: Informatik 2001 Proceedings, pp. 940 - 946, books@ocg.at, 2001. (PI-Agent.pdf)
- Kuropka, D.; Weske, M.: Transparent and Flexible Storage of Application Objects in CORBA Environments In: OOPSLA '00 Companion, pp. 169 - 170, ACM New York, 2000. (download at ACM)
- Kuropka, D.; Vossen, G.; Weske, M.: Workflows in Computation Grids. In: 5th International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing Workshops GCCW, October 2006, Hunan (China). ISBN 0-7695-2695-0. (Workflows_in_Grids.pdf)
- Meyer, H., Kuropka, D.: Requirements for Automated Service Composition. In: Business Process Management Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 4103, p. 439-450 (2006). (Serv-Comp-Req.pdf)
- Kuropka, D.; Meyer, H.; Weske, M.: Positioning paper of the BPT work group - Requirements on Ontologies for Web Services for Automated Service Composition. W3C Workshop on Frameworks for Semantics in Web Services, Innsbruck, Austria, 2005. (BPT-PositioningPaperForW3CWorkshop05.html)
- Polyvyanyy, A.; Kuropka, D: A Quantitative Evaluation of the Enhanced Topic-Based Vector Space Model. Technical Report of the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, 19 (2007), ISBN 978-3-939469-95-7, ISSN 1613-5652. (HPI_Evaluation_of_eTVSM.pdf)
- Meyer, M.; Kuropka, D: Requirements for Service Composition. Technical Report of the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, 11 (2005), ISBN 3-937786-81-3, ISSN 1613-5652. (HPI_11_Serv-Comp-Req.pdf)
- Kuropka, D; Meyer, M.: Survey on Service Composition. Technical Report of the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, 10 (2005), ISBN 3-937786-78-3, ISSN 1613-5652. (HPI_10_Serv-Comp-Survey.pdf)
- Weske, M.; Kuropka, D.: A Flexible Persistent Storage Service for Object-Oriented Middleware. Report: Fachbericht Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik 5/2000-I, University of Münster, 2000.
- Weske, M.; Hacker, M.; Hündling, J.; Kuropka, D.; Schuschel, H., Serries, T.: Designentscheidungen für ein flexibles, CORBA-basiertes Workflow-Management-System. Report: Fachbericht Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik 12/1998-I, University of Münster, 1998. (fb12-98.pdf)
- Weske, M.; Hündling, J.; Kuropka, D.; Schuschel, H.: Konzeption eines flexiblen Workflow-Management-Systems für CORBA-Architekturen. Report: Fachbericht Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik 18/1997-I, University of Münster, 1997. (fb18-97.pdf)
- Kuropka, D: Adaptive Services Grid. Invited talk at the 2. Kongress Semantic Web und Wissenstechnologien, Darmstadt, Germany, 2005. (2._Kongr_Adaptive_Services_Grid.pdf)
- Kuropka, D: Concepts and Challenges in Service Composition. Key note at the 1st Industry Workshop on Semantic Systems at Semantics 2005 conference, Vienna, 2005. (Concepts_and_Challenges_in_Service_Composition.pdf)
- Kuropka, D: Ontology-based Information-Filtering and Retrieval. Tutorial at the 8th International Conference on Business Information Systems, Poznan, Poland, 2005. (IF&IR-Tutorial.pdf)
- Kuropka, D: Ontologies - How far can we go?. Panel at the 8th International Conference on Business Information Systems, Poznan, Poland, 2005. (Panel_Dominiks_position.pdf)
- Meyer, H., Kuropka, D., Tröger, P.: ASG—Techniques of Adaptivity. J. Koehler, M. Pistore, A. P. Sheth, P. Traverso, M. Wirsing (Eds.): Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 07061 on Autonomic Web Services, 2007. (07061.MeyerHarald.Paper.pdf)
- Kuropka, D: Economic efficiency, a challenge in semantic service implementation, 2006. (Efficency_of_Semantic_Service_Impl.pdf)
- Kuropka, D: What does Service-oriented Computing really mean?. F. Cubera, B. J. Krämer, M. P. Papazoglou (Eds.): Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 05462 on Service Oriented Computing (SOC), 2005. (05462.KuropkaDominik.Paper.pdf)
- Kuropka, D: A proposal for transformation of topic-maps into similarities of topics. (Topic-Sims.pdf)
- Weske, M.; Kuropka, D.: Flexible Persistence Framework for Object-Oriented Middleware. (Flexible_Persistence_Framework.pdf)